Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pictures… What has been happening lately

Well, maybe I often don’t say enough in my blogs. At the same time these pictures don’t entirely tell the story that I most want to tell (entirely).11032010_002

First of all, my ‘home desktop PC’s video card’ died. This was sad… initially. However now I have, rather well, streamlined my bedroom desk. “Mini” my little Dell, is now the workhorse for all of my personal computations.

(That's right Ja, I just named my Dell.)

Another happenstance, passing just last Thursday, Jason and I found some wonderful photogenic antiquities. That's right, Danger! How cool are these shirts? We match… Funnily enough though, we were actually out that night perusing for mobile phone devices.18032010


21032010Next is a photo representing Champion Lakes Christian Church missions Walkathon. It, in truth is   merely nothing more than a photo of Navarre leaning on Sam (whilst gazing out across the loch). However this great day was one of glorious fundraising! I still recall the pain and stiffness in my legs when I woke this morning.

This shot is the only nice one of the hail I saw yesterday during Perth’s own Natural Disaster!!! Exciting? 22032010 Yeah, well I enjoyed it. I actually had the thought cross my mind, that there maybe a tropical cyclone appearing freakishly off our coast, to terrorise our lovely city… (not that exciting)

23032010_004My sister and I hung out today after uni. This is us at GJ’s in Perth, posers, naturally.

Lastly this is the sunset… Or, what I was able to capture of it on my hand phone (3.2MP). I like it, it 23032010_005is the place where I am finally typing out this blog. (Folks place for dinner)

Thanks you guys! yum!

And that's all for now…


  1. yaye! i'm liking the elaboration of the pictures :)

  2. saw charity at perth clc the other night!

  3. oh hey btw ur uni's at mt lawley right? go check out Grill'd on Beaufort Street! good burgers!

  4. ahhh, I think there is a bug on my site...

    Some how I can read the comments that audrey just posted above this one... so strange.

    Audrey - all I got outta that was "Grill..." what is the place called??

  5. ...wait I think I have it now... Grill'd right?

    why would the "recent comments" box display a ' as: ' ... ??

    Its just so weird.

    btw drey, whens that housewarming party???
