Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Well, impressed is the best word I have for it... Smooth, eligant, fast and all free!
If you haven't considered it yet then I will actually recommend ubuntu for you. And I know it's not Windows 7, meaning it cannot do all the things that windows can... and its not Mac, tho the resemblence is noted. (yes bro I have 3G working)

As you can see I have many of my usual apps or services running that I may need.

Oh, and it is increadibly lightweight and fast, multitasking with differing web browsers in a way which would normally slow my machine significantly seems to work, well even!

It has differences, things that I find quirky I suppose. But not without some kind of workaround. A little time finding a post where someone has gone before you and you can get things working just the way you need. (that is how I learned about 3G)

All in all I must confess that I am enjoying the simplicity! I have even been teaching myself some tricks with the infamous 'terminal'.
(here you can see that I am actually running the Network Manager from this terminal, I had to after I killed it with the System Monitor) I still have much to learn...

You can even try it for free running from a USB drive! Without having to install anything! They explain everything: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/netbook/get-ubuntu/download

God bless the open source community!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ubuntu is nice indeed.

    And I think what you've labeled as the infamous terminal will soon become your best friend!

    (but can never take the place of a real best friend - like say - me) :p
