Thursday, November 4, 2010

Daft Punk

The guys that are doin the score to the new Tron: Legacy flick, have this compilation of music videos that when combined makes a mini anime movie entitled Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem.
Cool music.
If you can find an hour to spare have watch:

(Really looking forward to Tron btw)
So yeah lemmi know your thoughts on this 5tory.


  1. Tron was a disappointment. Plain and simple.
    The sub-plot seemed to have so much potential, but was not developed to any suffficient standard.

    Try again.

    1. Fast forward a year and a half and Jono buys the movie and loves it?

  2. Yeah, I wasn't a big fan of Tron either... but Daft Punk still rock! =P

  3. Kristal: did u watch the whole video?

  4. No! Not the whole thing.. haven't quite had time... but when I have, I'll let you know!
