Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Music Can

Otto, keeps saying it...and its like every time I hear him I'm pricked... Like literally my conscience is pricking me.

I've heard it said that the things that scare you the most are the ones you needa face. - source unknown (paraphrased)

"Jono, you should be studying music! It's where your passion is."

Why would I seem to doubt myself so much in no other area. But in an area that I know so clearly I am gifted in. God you have given me this talent... and Passion. I do not want to bury it in the sand, or simply invest in it mildly. I wanna go "all-in"!!! (haha, Lifehouse song)

God you know my heart better than I!!

burn hotter those things in there You desire. Let all else diminish...

And help me finish Lord, finish Well!

Why not... have a listen, enjoy it.

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