Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Armadale Library First Impressions

Well, today I finally visited the new City of Armadale Library. It is located just near the new Merchant Cafe and Jimmy Dean’s… on the other end towards the pet shop.

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Directly on top of where the old Servo and Redrooster site.

But a whole other story up!!!

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I found it quite large, spacious, welcoming and warm. I found a coffee machine ($2 a pop) and they even have a conference/function room /\ /\

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This is the quiet study area… Free WiFi is accessible too.

I actually found some documents regarding the Armadale ARA developments!

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This is one of the many long bookshelves. And this is a kiddie reading area.

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This is what she looks like from out the front. And the first view as you enter.

And below is the favoured spot I found… not too noisy + nice view.


And if you were looking for some place nice to read your freshly borrowed books on a fine Tuesday afternoon, the new amphitheatre is a choice shady spot.

Let me know what you think.


  1. the library looks beautiful :D
    i love cosy places!

  2. Yeah... me too,
    I hope this can be a place I can use to study!
